Industrial reinforced concrete chimneys of thermal power plants (hereinafter TPP), serving heating and condensing power units with a capacity from 100 to 1200 MW, are complex engineering structures up to 480 m high, designed to remove exhaust gases.
TPP steam generators currently use coal, gas and high-sulfur fuel oil as fuel.
At the same time, through the same pipe with a single-barrel arrangement, exhaust gases containing (when burning coal and fuel oil) and non-sulfur, but with an increased content of water vapor (natural gas), can be discharged. Depending on the temperature of the exhaust gases, gaseous or liquid aggressive media are formed in the chimneys.
The degree of aggressiveness of the exhaust gases largely depends on the sulfur content in the fuel, the excess air coefficient, and as a result, the concentration of sulfur or sulfur dioxide in the following ranges: SO3 – 0, 002-0, 01; SO2 – 0, 05-0, 30%.
According to measurements, the humidity of the exhaust gases is about 40%, and the temperature ranges from 70 to 250 ° C.
The velocity of the exhaust gases is 20-40 m/sec., which contributes to the formation of excessive dynamic pressure in the exhaust trunk. One of the determining factors for the durability of chimneys is to maintain the temperature of the inner surface of the exhaust column (lining) above the dew point, which prevents the formation of liquid acids. Due to variable thermal conditions, when the temperature drops below the dew point, sulfuric acid condensate accumulates in the chimneys, leading to the development of corrosion processes in the exhaust and bearing shafts. At the same time, the concentration of the acid formed on the inner surface (lining) of the exhaust trunk reaches 50-80%, and its amount depends on the speed of the gases being removed, and at low speeds of gas movement, a larger amount of it is deposited in the trunk.
At high speeds of the gases being removed, accompanied by an increase in dynamic pressure in the flue channel, sulfur dioxide penetrates through the lining into the reinforced concrete trunk.
Wet exhaust gases containing SO2 and SO3, penetrating deep into the concrete barrel, condense in the pores of the concrete at temperatures below 70 ° C and pass into acid on the inner surface of the bearing barrel, the concentration of which ranges from 1, 7-8%.
The concentration and amount of acid depends on the humidity of the flue gases. オンラインカジノ アフィリエイト は、最高のアフィリエイトオファーに関する最新情報の情報源です。主要なカジノから最適なプログラムを選択するための詳細なレビュー、ヒント、アドバイスを提供します。当社の専門家チームは、条件、コミッション、ボーナスを分析し、収益を得るために最も収益性の高いオプションを選択できるようお手伝いします。アフィリエイト プログラムの可能性を発見し、専門家の推奨事項に従って収入を増やし始めてください。